NAZ Issue #2 OUT NOW

National-Anarchist Zine Issue #2 is now available. This issue includes articles on how to survive the economic collapse, what is tribalism and a critique of the so-called “AntiFa” movement. The zine is produced through the efforts of our activists and printed and distributed by donations from our comrades and supporters.

If you want a copy, send us an email at:


TAFE4ALL: Skills, Not Bills

TAFE students having their say on the coming fee hike, including a few words from a National-Anarchist currently studying at a TAFE in Victoria. Making education available to people in the community is something National-Anarchists feel strongly about, we will do whatever we can to make education and training available to all those that want it.

TAFE Education For All

The Victorian Government intends on raising fees and conditions on TAFE courses over the next few years. TAFE courses are often filled with young people recently out of school or people seeking to become skilled to improve their employment opportunities. TAFE students are often the least capable of paying exorbitant fees for their courses.

The State Government changes include:
– Fees are being increased from $950 for Diplomas to as much as $2500 by 2012.
– Concession rates have been abolished, low-income students and health care cardholders will have to pay fees as high as $1500.
– A HECs like loan system has been introduced, which will leave TAFE students with a debt that will follow them in to their career.

– Private competition between training institutions will further degrade education into a business operation, rather than training people to become working contributors to the community.

The State Governments have been steadily making tertiary education an almost impossibility for young Australians, while continuing to complain and lie about a “skills shortage.” Tertiary education fees are mounting, the “education market” is becoming due to extreme levels of immigration and it’s all leading to young Australians being effectively locked out of the necessary training to become a contributing member of the community in the future.

Stand up against these fee hikes by the State Government that will serve to make TAFE education out of reach for those that need it most. Australian students need to start asking why Governments keep making our ability to work more and more difficult, especially in times of economic hardship. Everybody deserves an opportunity to gain the skills necessary to get a job and a livable income, paying exorbitant fees for this education is simply not fair.

National-Anarchists will be watching this issue with interest and will be taking action where possible.


Freedom from Fluoride in Melbourne


The growing Geelong anti-fluoridation campaign took to the steps of Parliament on Wednesday in order to strengthen the broader campaign, along with fellow groups throughout Victoria. The Barwon Freedom from Fluoridation organisation also presented an open letter to the Minister for Health, Daniel Andrews, demanding the immediate end to fluoridation in the whole of Victoria. The protest was over 100 strong at it’s height and included concerned individuals from Geelong, Melbourne, Castlemaine and various other parts of Victoria. Opposition to fluoridation is definitely not just a small issue hidden away in Geelong, many Victorians are angry that they have not been consulted, let alone given active consent.

National-Anarchists attended the event, taking video footage and distributing informative pamphlets to other protestors and passers by. It is a disturbing reality that since the beginning of this fluoridation campaign, National-Anarchists have been the only radical political movement to become involved and express support against such an attack on democratic and civil freedoms. There has been no support from the wider Anarchist movement, no other Nationalist involvement, the closest to broader political co-operation has been individual Greens members, a Democratic Labor Party MP and individual trade unionists. How can we truly confront the problem of “representative” democracy is we will only co-operate on the really big issues. Fluoridation is an issue that affects people in their local communities, directly in their homes, it touches them much more closely and critically than global capitalism or climate change.

Besides of the let down from fellow anti-establishment activists, the rally was largely succesful. Victorian National-Anarchists have continued to network with people from across the state, also conducting an interview with a popular YouTube journalist. The broader campaign against fluoridation has been let down by the complete lack of mainstream media attention but what more can we expect, the media has no intention of covering real issues – we have the means, we need to make our own media!

Our video of the days events is here, there will be more news on the forced fluoridation issue as it develops.


Melbourne Fluoride Rally

MelbFluorideThe Victorian National-Anarchists will be attending this rally and we encourage everybody to join us. We will be distributing Issue #1 of the new N-A Zine and other leaflets about fluoridation from a National-Anarchist perspective.

We hope to see a strong presence of radical activists at this protest, fluoride is just one aspect of the much larger anti-establishment campaign and is a good issue for showing the public just how false the concept of “representative democracy” really is.

We hope to see you there!

Now Available: National-Anarchist Zine!


The Midgard Magpie collective is pleased to announce the first edition of our new A5 zine, ready for distribution. The zine has been produced through the hardwork of our activists and supporters, with a focus on sharing National-Anarchist ideas with the general public – especially the youth. The National-Anarchist Zine (NAZ) offers commentary on anarchism, tribalism and local issues.

Issue #1 includes –

What is Anarchy?
Hard hitting poetry by Anonymgeist
Buy Local
Forced Fluoridation
Movie Review – Fight Club
Book Review – Tradition & Revolution

and lots more!

Copies are available directly from the collective for $2 each to cover printing costs, a reduced rate is available for bulk orders. For our international comrades, due to the high cost of postage, we’re offering all zines at the reduced rate plus postage

If you’d like a copy of the zine or want to organise a subscription to future zines, please contact us at or through the contact page. Donations through PayPal can be made to the same email.

We’d like to thank everybody that’s supported the collective so far, our successes are due to our activists and comrades time and efforts!

Fight Against Fluoride Rally

The Victorian state government has announced that they will begin pumping fluoride against the will and best interests of Geelong residents on the 22nd June. The Geelong National-Anarchists are calling on all supporters, Geelong residents and other freedom lovers to help us demonstrate against forced medication.


No Justice, Just Us!

Originally published by the Yarra National-Anarchists.

What is clear to anyone who works or has worked in the criminal justice system is that multiculturalism is a failed experiment. Not only has it failed in this country, but it has failed in scores of countries around the world; in fact, in all countries in which this experiment in social engineering has been conducted. Those countries which have been able to maintain social cohesion, on the other hand, have been those which, to one degree or another, have maintained the social pressures that only an internalised, naturalised culture can bring. History has taught us that this is a non-transferable attribute.

Prison, unfortunately, is often the end point for society’s internal conflicts. What’s played out on the streets of Australia finds its ultimate reflection inside the walls of our penal institutions, and its dark and dimly lit cells. Worse yet, Australia spends vast sums of money each year to house its thousands of prisoners, and yet year after year the solution to criminal behaviour always seems to elude us. Social scientists pay homage to the state by skirting around the problem, conveniently missing the crucial point: that the forces of state and capital, which navigate the direction society takes, are at its heart. In reality, faith in the state serves only these ‘scientists’, and helps them to maintain their position within the ivory towers of academia: a leftist haven which is defended, at all costs, against a common sense approach to social justice, and the practical interventions which this approach suggests.

Evidence for the failure of multiculturalism is everywhere. One only has to look at our overcrowded prison system to understand that newly arrived migrants are unable and unwilling to grasp the social norms of our society. Units are filled with half-literate migrants, and the organisation of the prison population is a reflection of our society at its most primal: segregation along ethnic lines as a means of basic survival.
These facts are as stark as the light of day.

Of course, that’s not to say that Australians of European decent don’t commit awful offences. Like Australia itself, the majority of Australian prisoners are from a European background, each one costing the tax payer upwards of $65,000 per year to house.

This article, however, is not intended to address the obvious problems faced by working people under capitalism. Its intention is to highlight the idea that multiculturalism is broken, a failed experiment, and that in order to maintain a harmonious society, it’s not enough just to destroy capitalism. Instead, we need to think about what causes social conflict and how we can maintain social cohesion. Not just now, but when our idea of autonomous communities is realised. We need to look at examples of autonomous communities around the world, and to re-think what we mean by ‘self-determination’, a buzz-word used by the left when it comes to indigenous politics and the plight of other oppressed minorities, but not ‘whites’. As bad as our situation is, it is made only worse by multiculturalism.

In speaking about multiculturalism, what we need most is honesty, especially about the fact that cultural aspects of crime prevention are ignored by the mainstream. Theories of differential association and strain theory have time and time again failed to take into account the healthy aspects of internal pressures within the “tribe” or mono-culture, and failed to seriously examine how the natural need to protect and maintain ones’ own community is the greatest crime prevention tool of all. This instinct for self-preservation is something that, in the West, has been steadily eroded by years of capitalist gains. Culture that has been built up over hundreds and even thousands of years has been eroded within decades, and led to the oppression of millions.

The United States

The multicultural United States is one of the clearest examples of this situation, where one in five black males will end up in a prison cell within their life time. Is this really all the fault of whites? Or is this a manifestation of the breaking down of community and the lack of real self-determination on behalf of the black population? It’s easy to blame the so-called white ‘master’, and many blacks do, but the story runs deeper than the slave trade. This is a cultural problem, and one that clearly requires a cultural solution.
That answer is clear: National Anarchism provides the only viable response to these issues. Time and time again the left, with their dogmatic and reactionary responses to social issues, have solidly and consistently missed the point. Instead, the left seeks to further oppress the masses with their antiquated, tired, and proven failures. Dogma prevails in this instance, and even when the tide of global capital rises above their heads, they grasp, and they stick to their dogma. It’s clear that rather than shake off their ideological concrete boots, and acknowledge the common sense which National Anarchism offers in the way of dealing with social issues, they would rather drown in their dogma: to the detriment of all.


Following on from the situation which faces the black population in the United States, another clear example of how important the role of cultural or tribal influence has on crime is Japan. Japan has been a focal point of criminological research, research which, for the most part, has been ignored in leftist/academic circles. The reasons they ignore Japanese studies is simple: it raises uncomfortable questions which confirm the existence of a strong cultural influence over the size and shape of criminal activity.

Japan is one of the strongest monocultures on earth. Strict and consecutive polices of immigration control have resulted in some very interesting crime statistics which have gone literally unmatched in the West. Western governments and policy-makers ignore the anomalies produced in Japan as their research is for the most part conducted by either one of two groups. First, leftists committed to an interventionist framework for dealing with crime control who fail to acknowledge, or completely ignore, the hard evidence coming out of Japan. Secondly, right-wing neo-liberals who also avoid the evidence as it runs counter to their “capitalist” way of thinking. If one reads some of the literature related to criminal justice studies it is little wonder they want to ignore it! For National Anarchists, Japan is no haven for our ideas either. But it does go a long way to supporting our arguments for true autonomy!

Japan is a great example of the National Anarchist argument for the separation of cultures. It’s a simple idea but one that scares a lot of leftists. What National Anarchism prescribes is a dose of reality, into a world which is captured by the madness of leftist dogma. We are the “real” realists, and the evidence is there for all to see. Crime control is just one example of how a National Anarchist system of autonomous communities can benefit all people, of all races!
“The main impetus for this [dismissal] has been the perceived uniqueness of Japan. This uniqueness might be characterized as “modernisation without crime.” Japan achieved the transition from feudal fiefdom to highly affluent, post industrial society. Japan avoided the modern crime nexus that has often been identified as axiomatic in criminology.” (Fenwick, 2006)

Axiomatic: a mix of things coming together. Interesting when you think about it isn’t it?

The differences between the history of Japan and the United States, especially during industrialisation, make clear the importance of maintaining native cultures, and how various competing interests have affected rates of crime, which in the United States is ever rising. I say ever rising because they have simply not stopped! In fact, it just seems to be getting worse, just as it is here in Australia, and in my city of Melbourne. Interestingly, one the worst centres of crime in the country is also at the heart of multiculturalism: Sydney, NSW. Its prison population outranks that of all other states.
One might expect Japan to be the same. But it is not. In fact, for much of the post-war period, crime rates in Japan have declined! Japan reached a post war high of 1.6 million violations in 1952. (This was just a few years after Japan lost a war, had two atomic bombs dropped on it, and had 1/3 of its population wiped off the face of the earth.) Japan reached its low point of 1.2 million violations in 1972. Now here is the big question. Name one other Western capitalist country where the crime rate went down a whopping 25%. The answer: you can’t!


I live in the city of Yarra. Here the likes of Steve Jolly and his Merry Men have ridden into office on the backs of poor immigrants who live in squalor and perpetual poverty. Take a look around and what do you see? The non-migrant community is constantly being subjected to high crime rates, often involving violence. The tensions which are absent in Japan are tipping toward boiling point in the city of Yarra. On the one hand, employers fail to cater for the needs of migrant communities because they are low-skilled, and therefore of low worth. On the other hand, and quite rightfully, those who live in the housing estates and who are Australian feel resentment towards these newly-arrived immigrants because they are able to secure funding and employment from both government and council, while native-born Australians are expected to shut up and play along with the multicultural madness imposed on them by leftists such as Jolly and his friends in the ALP.

In conclusion.

It’s clear that the present global situation requires us all to rethink our ideas and acknowledge the evidence before us. What problems that face my community in Yarra and are replicated across the globe. Now is not the time to sit on our hands and accept the status-quo. It’s time to reinvest in ideas and search out solutions to the failures of the traditional left. The Steve Jolly’s of this world and their socialist comrades are capturing the terrain. It’s time for us not to just fight against them in traditional ways, which does not work, it’s been proven. We need to recapture the heart and minds of all people, the disenfranchised and disposed of this world. We need to turn the ship around and fight for a new direction. National Anarchism in my view is that direction. To discover more national anarchist ideas please visit and comment on the following websites or if you are interested in National Anarchist ideas, please feel free to contact us directly.

David Donald, Yarra National Anarchists.

Geelong Fighting Fluoridation


Fluoride is a POISON!

As little as three teaspoons of fluoride is a lethal dosage. Fluoridation has been attributed to severe skeletal deformations, mental retardation, dental fluorosis among other severe health problems. Fluoride is ranked just below arsenic and just above lead in a scale of most harmful toxins. Fluoridation does not just mean the adding of fluoride to our water supply, it comes with a compound of other chemicals – including traces of mercury, lead and arsenic! Fluoride is INDUSTRIAL WASTE and the people of Geelong do not need this in our water!

Tonight, hundreds of people showed up to a campaign launch by the Barwon Association for Freedom from Fluoridation (BAFF) to issue a mandate to Parliament demanding a complete halt to the fluoridation of the Greater Geelong region. As supporters of the anti-fluoridation campaign, supporters of the communities right to choose and as potential victims of fluoridation; local National-Anarchists attended the meeting and look forward to being involved in the ongoing campaign.

Though the Geelong National-Anarchists are not scientists and we’ll leave the arguing of the health effects of fluoridation to the experts; we will demand our FREEDOM TO CHOOSE! We demand the freedom to decide what chemicals go in to our bodies. We deserve to have access to clean water, free from potentially harmful chemicals. We do not need government or anybody else trying to decide what we need to remain healthy, we can medicate ourselves!

The people of Geelong deserve to be heard and to be consulted on what happens in the Greater Geelong region. There has never been a call from the community for fluoridation but there has always been a large body voicing their opposition! Despite MPs such as Bronwyn Pike saying Geelong will not be fluoridated unless Geelong wants to be fluoridated, the lies have once again prevailed and State government intends on legislating against the will of the people. Such lies are not new and those involved in this campaign that may be new to political activism will soon learn that Parliament, the Judiciary and all “public servants” do not have the interests of the community at heart!

The Geelong National-Anarchists will be involved in this campaign and we encourage all of our readers, supporters and opponents to do the same. This is not about politics but about health and freedom in our society!

More information on fluoridation and the campaign can be found here:

1. The Fluoride Action Network:
2. Victorian Fluoride Action Group:
3. Fluoride Aware Ballarat:
4. Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation:
5. UK Councils Against Fluoridation:
6. International Society for Fluoride Research (this society is neither pro nor anti-water fluoridation, but supports research on all aspects of chemistry and biochemistry, and publishes a journal of same)

Homo Corporatus

A stickering campaign during the recent Yarra harvest festival weekend is the motivation for this article. The stickering was mainly conducted throughout the blocks of corporate high rises in the Southbank area of Melbourne. Southbank is home to such corporate buildings as HWT, Eureka Tower and of course Australand Holdings which is the corporate entity centred in the following story.

National-Anarchists aim to make an impact and leave a message with our stickers. The stickers themselves are intriguing and appealing; they catch the eye and leave a person wondering about the ideas that come with such a sticker. Needless to say, stickering in a maze of corporate buildings is putting out a message of anti-capitalism in the very heart of global capitalist turf. Not to mention that National-Anarchist stickers are much more exciting and thought provoking than tonnes of concrete and boring corporate art.

As a National-Anarchist placed a sticker in the zone deemed “property of Australand Holdings,” a young bloke in a blue shirt came over to inform us of how out of bounds we were. We didn’t quite understand what he was trying to say; surely he wasn’t equating our stickers to crass vandalism? Sure enough, we had taken a step too far…

John Worker: “You can’t put your shit there, this is ours…”
National-Anarchist: “What do you mean yours? Who owns it?”
John Worker: “We do, I mean, Australand… I mean… I own it” *pointing to the company logo on his shirt*
National-Anarchist: “Do you really think you own any of this stuff? Do you really think you’re represented by Australand?”

John Worker didn’t want to keep talking, he was slightly confused and had to finish his work, he’d hate to keep his boss waiting. However, the activists had been left dumbfounded – never before had they seen a worker of any description identify with and defend a corporate entity, let alone the company they worked for!

National-Anarchists thoroughly oppose the entire concept of a corporation. A corporation is a legal entity designed to protect individuals in their business dealings. National-Anarchists do not oppose buying, selling or bartering but we do demand that every individual be held accountable for their actions. If you are selling Microsoft products, you should not be able to hide behind the name and collective assets of Microsoft Corporation. Corporations are a major enemy in our fight against the establishment – corporations of all descriptions are guilty of exploitation, environmental destruction, consumerism and globalisation.

It is fascinating to see an individual pledge loyalty to an entity as artificial and damaging as a corporation. Though, it happens and in our modern, consumerist world it is increasingly common. What is this “corporate culture” and how do we combat it?

A person is first drawn to a corporation by the needs that are met by such an entity. Obviously, salaries are paid which puts food on the table and meets the essential and material desires of a person. A corporation offers incentive or the potential to grow as a person – learning new skills, becoming a respected employee, getting a promotion and “climbing the ladder” are all a part of the corporate culture. A corporation does serve as a sort of family and tribe for its employees; your workmates may support you in tough times, your boss supplies your needs and motivates you and wearing the logo of your corporation is like flying the flag of your tribe.


A National-Anarchist can understand why people would want to be a part of a corporation. It is not about being selfish or consciously supporting a negative and destructive entity. It is about belonging, meeting your needs and prospering in our consumerist world. It is now the norm to spend long hours in the office, earn a salary and buy the newest products. It is now the norm that independence from work, being close to family and non-materialistic aspirations must come second to the corporate job.

This is of course not the case with all corporate employees, though it is a trend growing in developed countries – Japan is a scary example.

In Japan, to spend your entire life with the same company is expected. It is not uncommon that Japanese “salary man” will put more hours in to work than he would his family and even spend a small fortune on gifts for his superiors. Such loyalty to a corporation has even been compared to the loyalty of Samurai to their Lord in the Japanese feudal era. Salary men are even known to have tattoos of their companies’ logo on their bodies.

Can we foresee a world where each human is assigned a corporation where they will spend their entire lives? Will the “Fight Club” prophecy come true when the corporations name everything new in the world? It may be a logical conclusion to capitalism and globalisation but National-Anarchists work to stem the tide of corporate influence and expansion.

The corporation may serve as a tribe for the materialistic employee of the 21st Century but it is an unnatural entity that should not be coveted as an idol. The real “tribe” as given by nature to mankind is the family and the extended family and is built by ancestry, tradition, values and religion. This natural culture has been stifled and ignored ever since the first pluralism in Persia and Rome, becoming more evident and increasingly decadent ever since the Industrial Revolution. The only way to prevent humanity from descending in to a future of robotic materialism is by reviving the organic society as embodied by the natural concept of tribe.

Fighting the corporate culture begins with meeting the needs of an individual and their family. Encourage self-sufficiency and promote independence rather than reliance on an employer. Build on the community by encouraging the community to meet the needs of its members; education, employment and recreation should be readily available within the community. Promote the independence of the community and negate reliance on all outside influence; especially the State. Individuals wants to feel close to other members of their community and belong to their community; any “community” where the members are vastly different in culture is not really a community at all.

Homo Corporatus is a creation of our modern society, it is one destined to fail as all unnatural concepts inevitably do. We can decide if we will pursue a natural lifestyle as is the goal of National-Anarchists or if we will continue to progress down a path of crass materialism and excess that will only serve to destroy our environment and lead to the destruction of life as we know it.

National-Anarchism is a natural, social alternative to global capitalism and the corporate culture. If you wish to meet and network with National-Anarchists, contact us at our contact page.