The Refugee Reality

Asylum Seekers are once again front page news in Australia. The media and politicians love the refugee issue, it always gets people talking. The whole situation causes a lot of division amongst Australians. Obviously, it’s a serious issue and it must be addressed.

Most recently, a boat carrying about 255 Tamils, including children, was intercepted by Indonesian authorities on its way to Australia. The Tamils on board have since launched a hunger strike in an emotional appeal to be allowed in to the country. As countless boatloads arrive and detention centres come close to capacity, K Rudd is once again looking for a band aid solution to the problem he and his fellow globalists have helped create.

So, what is the refugee issue and how can we appropriately and fairly deal with it?

The vast majority of refugees arriving in Australia are coming to escape from a life of poverty and turmoil in their own homelands, where they come from is dangerous and no place to happily support a family. They come here seeking a better way of life and this is understandable. Many Australians tend to support allowing all refugees in to Australia, so they can share our way of life and we can do our part to alleviate their poverty and misery.

Unfortunately, the reality is that regardless of how many refugees arrive here, there will be no decrease in poverty levels in Third World countries. The exorbitant birthrates in these countries shows us that almost all people living in dire poverty in these countries will never be able to leave. If there is going to be any real fight against poverty in poor countries, it must happen on the ground and must be sustainable long-term. Accepting boatloads of refugees here is nothing more than a band aid on the problem, it’s only skin deep. A more detailed illustration of this point is shown here.

A recent report showed the number of refugees currently receiving welfare payments in Australia; the figures are disturbing. As our population increases, as unemployment increases and the deterioration of our environment continues, our newest arrivals have been drawn in to the trap of welfare dependency.  Needless to say, a growing population when our means of production and our environment is strained to the max does not benefit Australians. Any form of mass immigration is only worsening current problems and destroying any social cohesion in our local communities.

This “humanitarian” migration does not benefit the poverty in developing countries, it does not help refugees in the long-term and Australians are left to bear the burden in our already strained society. What is humanitarian about a program that only creates a bigger problem in the future, while ignoring the root of the problem in the present?

National-Anarchists realise that the refugee count around the world is one largely built on the back of global capitalism. Where starving Africans are denied local autonomy due to globalisation (e.g. Chinese “investors”), or Afghans are displaced due to foreign imperialism, the cause of the problem rests largely with the global capitalist system. We see the plight of these desperate people and want to see an end to their poverty but we want a holistic solution that promotes their independence and self-sufficiency.

National-Anarchists fight for the end of global capitalism and a stop to foreign interventionism at the behest of the United Nations or imperialist States. We promote Third World countries returning to a more organic existence – with the adoption of permaculture practices, traditional communities and local autonomy.

This is not only viable but completely logical. The money currently thrown away on quick fixes and the resources spent on trying to force liberal-Democracy on the world could just as easily be spent teaching sustainable agriculture and industrial practices to communities in developing countries. This is a plan that will take work and co-operation but it’s the best alternative to continuing a ridiculous “humanitarian” migration and aid program.

We don’t pretend to have all the solutions but we think outside the current dogmas and show the dedication to improve the world we live in. If you’re looking for a social alternative to capitalism and communism, get involved with the National-Anarchists.






    YOurs Tryuly Antifa Australia

  2. Please, keep taking your medication 4 lyf.

    You must be fooly sik!

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